Greetings to you all!! ^_^x This section *will* contain lots and lots of fanart and fanfics...
so send in your stuff! K & K stuff if you can =) other things will go into the Miscellaneous section. I will still give out awards for fanfiction, though I can't read as much fanfiction as I used to, I'll do my best. If you have any requests to read fanfiction or if you want a review your fanfiction, (your or someone else's- with permission of course) I'll gladly do so. Oh and I do *some* editing- such as spelling as some grammar which takes up time for the fanfics that need to be posted. However it will take time- it can take a day or three unlikely to go over that unless I have a huge project to hand in the same week, I'll notify in that case.

Fanart here will be K & K fanart stuff, again others will go into the Miscellaneous section.
(BTW this part of the site has probably the biggest variety of stuff) I don't give awards for fanart or review them
but I'll post them up much faster than fanfiction. Any fanart you'd like to send, please send me the file as an attatchment (not too big however). Or if you can, send me the URL if you've uploaded it on the net. All fanart here is uploaded to my site.
Unfortunately, Kaoru had to reject Yahiko's fanart piece because it showed Kenshin practically naked. I agree with her, sorry Yahiko. Better luck next time. Try to get Kenshin covered when you show it to me, or Kaoru. (Yahiko gets the weirdest ideas, from who though??)
Kaoru's face by Jiken. In pencil, no colour. It's my first Kaoru so she kinda looks demented... ^^;;
Kenshin's face by Shuken. Coloured using colour pencils. It's Kenshin's side view.
Kenshin smiling at you by Jiken. This is my third proper Kenshin... but again this was redone so it looks even more demented than before.
Kenshin hugging Kaoru by Raya Wonderful fanart by Raya! In colour, if I remember correctly I think it was water colour.
Kenshin and Kaoru hug! by Smurfette A really nice CG piece of a K & K hug ^_^x Love the colours!
Kenshin and Kaoru with Sano being chased in the background. by Julie-dono
Kenshin and Kaoru by Barby M Pornea Done very well with oil pastel (I think..^^; correct me if I'm wrong).
Another Kenshin and Kaoru with nature background. by Barby M Pornea Again oil pastel ^^
Kenshin in oil pastel by Barby M Pornea This time in a cool blue background =)
Kaoru singing karaoke! Kawaii~! (SD & CG) by Red Ice
Chibi-Sd Kaoru saying hi. by Red Ice
The Kenshin Family! by Red Ice Kenji's in this as well!
Kenshin in his hitokiri days with Aoshi (I think) ^^ by Julie-dono Note: A rather large download.
Kenshin tying Kaoru's ribbon by Julie-dono
Kenshin and Kaoru on a hill (I think) by Julie-dono Near the bridge...

Well fanfiction! Reading RK fanfic has been my hobby, until lately I couldn't do as much reading because of all the work I have to do. But that doesn't matter. =) Any fanfiction you would like to send, just in case you've missed the top please send it to me by emailing the story or if you can, send it as a text or HTML attatchment when you email it to me. If the fanfic is longer than 60K total, please divide it into chapters/parts if you haven't done so. I do some editing, such as spelling and grammar but I don't do editing
major parts of the story (unless you request me to do so). Arigatou degozaru! BTW
Well I'm no longer underaged. However! I still don't post up lemon fics, or yaoi or yuri. *Unfortunately for some people* Yes Kenshin, that means that *even* if I *do* read it, I *still* won't be posting it up here. There are still underaged people browsing around this place so I'n gonna play safe. ^^ |